I wonder if I put a few words here? (Customize using Settings -> General -> Tagline)

Author: yisimin296301736

Comment-Post #4 Interaction

Hi Asia, it is a great blog post with maintaining mental health in university. The mental health of students is very important, in my opinion it is more important than academic performance. I need physical and mental health, not good grades with mental illness. Mental illness can make people’s lives terrible. Overall, I like the ideas that you shared.

Comment-Post #3 – Inclusive Design

Hi Xiangbo, during the pandemic, the education has moved online. This increases the difficulty of inclusivity in education. Your learning design focus on the normal people and special groups, that is very important. You said that “In our third activity, if a person uses text-to-speech to listen to an article when they aren’t able to read it (either because of a situation or a disability), educators could provide an audio version”. It is a very good idea and example for inclusive. Overall, I learned a lot in your article.

Post #4: Interaction

What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

At the end of the video, there is a assignment that asked to write answers in comment section. This is a good interaction example, students need to review the video and answer the question. This make students to better remember the content taught in the video. It does force them to respond in comment section, but it is not mandatory, students can chooce to do it or not.

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Students can take notes freely, and can also leave their own answers in the comment section as required in the video.

What activity could you suggest that they do, after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

Students can respond to the questions given at the end of the video.

  1. Write a code ti check a given number is positive or negative.
  2. Take three values from user and find the greatest number from them.

This will help students develop computer science skills in the future, and prepare the necessary prerequisite knowledge for future computer science studies. Students need to use Python to do the activity.

How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

This activity will not make much work for me because the video taught all the knowledge that activity needs. Also, the video made the questions alreday, I do not need to make the questions by myself. Then, the work is both manageable and worthwhile because the assessment of this activity will not be troublesome. The activity do not need to be scaled for larger numbers of students.

How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

The instructor can ask questions during the video to make students more participation. At the same time, giving students more confident. This will make students more interested in this video.

Community contributions:


Telusko. (2018, July 12). #19 Python Tutorial for Beginners | If Elif Else Statement in Python [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqFKRqpHrjw

Peer Review For Pod 5

Pod 5’s Interactive Learning Resource: https://chineseteaculture335.opened.ca/

Website Design: Pod 5’s interactive learning resource is about Chinese tea culture. I like the home page, the photo shows Chinese tea culture and attract me to want to see more content. The website used right amount of pictures, it is very colorful. In addition, there should have some content or link jump when I click Description & Rationale and Assessment. It looks a little empty now.

Design for Inclusion of Diverse Learners: The interactive learning resource’ inclusion colour blindness learners, pod 5 did very good explained. Also, it is very good idea for shy and introverted learners. Express your thoughts by typing on Google Group, which will greatly reduce the influence of shyness and introversion. By the way, the shy and introverted leaners are not the presume group of learners, if you did not check with instructor.

Interactive activities: I like the idea that people have chance to think and discuss questions together. Learners have chance to talk each other and discuss together what they have just learned to reinforce their memory.

Formative Assessment: Online quiz is a very efficient way for the learners to check whether they have memorized what they have learned. There are four topics in this interactive learning resource, but the online quiz only covers two topics. It will help leaners study better if the online quiz covers all topics.

Post #3: Inclusive Design

1. How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

In my interactive learning resource, I made inclusive learning design to English language learner (ELL), and single parent who is working full-time and has 2 kids in elementary school.

  • For English language learner (ELL):

In this interactive learning resource, all the tutorials and the materials are in English. The English used in the tutorials and materials are all basic English words and will not involve very difficult vocabulary. Also, the English grammar involved in this interactive learning resource is very basic, and there will be no difficult sentence patterns. Therefore, this interactive learning resource is perfectly suitable for students who are English language learners.

  • For single parent who is working full-time and has 2 kids in elementary school:

This interactive learning resource only takes 2 hours for learners to learn. So, it will not take too much time to study. Learners can complete all the studies with a little leisure time. There does not have participation weight in the grading rubric, it considered people who only have a very short time during a week.

2. How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs? (for example, a pandemic arises and many of your employees must now work from home – how will you ensure that they can still do their jobs? What training will they need, and how will you deliver it, knowing they must remain at home?) This is a common discussion thread right now as many schools and universities have made the switch to teaching online.

During a pandemic arises, I will change the study plan to online, to make sure that they can work from home. There are many schools and universities have made the swithch to teaching online. So, it prove make the switch to teaching online is the effective way and best way for students to study from home. However, teaching online also has many things need attention. Firstly, instructors need professional training for teaching online before online teaching. They need to transfer their study materials to online, and learning how to use apps teach online. Also, instructors need to teach their students to use apps to study. It is very important to skilled use of online teaching software will improve the efficiency of students’ learning. Secondly, online meeting requires screen recording. For various reasons, many international students may have returned to their own country. Different time zone may makes them cannot attend the online meeting. If the students miss the meeting, they may hard to keep up the study progress. If students can watch the screen recording videos in their own time, they will study more effectively. However, screen recording can help students study more effectively, no just in different time zones. Students also can watch the screen recording to review their online meeting to deepen the impressions. Lastly, reduce the proportion of mid-term and final exams in the total score. After swithch to teaching online, it is difficult for instructors to monitor plagiarism during exams. Therefore, the mid-term and final exams can be open-book, but reduce the proportion of exams in the total score. Also, instructors can add quizzes and practises to help students learn better. Quizzes and practises are proportion more in the total score. However, there needs to be sufficient communication between the instructors and the students, so that the difficulties encountered in online learning can be solved.

Community contributions:


Inclusive Learning Design. (2021, May 5). University of Victoria Educational Technology. https://edtechuvic.ca/edci335/inclusive-learning-design/

Universal Design. (2021, May 5). University of Victoria Educational Technology. https://edtechuvic.ca/edci335/universal-design/

Post #2: Open Pedagogies

What is open pedagogies?

To know what is open pedagogies, we should know what is Open Educational Resources (OER). OER is that teaching, learning, and research resources that, through permissions granted by their creator, allow others to use, distribute, keep, or make changes to them. OER is free, cost saving is a big benefit of using OER. OER may help to decrease withdrawal rates while increasing overall student grades. The open pedagogies also named open edicatopnal practices (OEP). It is use the open education resources to support learning. Open pedahphoes is make students be creator of the informations, not only participants.

I think the assignment “blue print” is an open pedagogies. Open pedagogy include engaging students in content creation. The assignment “blue print makes students praticipated in the creation of content. Also it is a development of renewable assignments.


Post #1: Learning, Motivation, and Theory

Share a story about your best learning experience (could be a formal course or something more personal). Why did you enjoy it?

I am a international students, and studying English is the most struggle thing for me. I have been very afraid of learning English since I was a child, because I feel that I have no talent for learning languages and I cannot remember vocabularies. I have encountered many problems in the process of learning English. The story that I want to share is happened when I was in a college. I was learning an English language course, and it was my third time to register the same level English course. I was very upset because I cannot pass the coures nomatter how effoer I did. Until I met the instructor that help me figer out the reason what I cannot pass, and he let me feel happiness in English course in my first time. He told me that one instructor said I am not a good student during their instructors meeting even I am not in her courses. Therefore, the other instructor treat me with a prejudiced attitude. But he told other instrustors that I am changed, and he thought I am a good student. He made me have confidence to pass the course and help me not be afraid of learning English. I know that I was not study hard in the previous class at the beginning of the course. But, I think this should not affect my other courses in the future. I think that why I enjoy it because I was treated fairly during my learning process.

Community contributions:


Hi everyone, I am Simin Yi, and you can call me Nathan. I am a 4th year Uvic students, and my majoy is economics. I was born in Jiangxi, China and currently living in Shenzhen, China. Welcome to my site. I will learn about “Learning Design for Technology-Mediated Environments” and post some blogs in the site, please feel free to leave comments.

Looking forward to learn together with you guys.

All the best,
